Create a powerful shift with FasterEFT/Eutaptics

FasterEFT/Eutaptics is a system created by Robert Gene Smith more than 25 years ago, after studying, practicing and analyzing the most efficient body-mind connection methods, proven techniques of NLP, acupressure, trance work for the purpose of creating a new approach to emotional responses.

The key message of FasterEFT/Eutaptics is our emotional responses are based on the focus of our approach and are defining the reality we are in. In any kind of economy troubled society or during any politically induced turmoil you can find people who still have good paying jobs and relatively stable relationships. If we are able to release stress and negative emotions from our focus, our emotional responses, actions and subsequently our reality become completely different.

You can explore more information on FasterEFT/Eutaptics here.

Click this link and use the unique opportunity to open the door to positive changes! What worked well for more than 100000 people in 30 countries, can help you too! There is free 5 day course to start with this method, but if you like any of other products, use my promocode Elena for 10% discount

The videos on this page will give you an idea how this system works and what to expect if you decide to have a session with someone who is practicing it for years.

Come join us Sunday, October 20, 2024 for the FREE Heal Your Body LIVE Web Event with Robert Gene Smith from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM Central Time.

This workshop serves as a learning event, not full tapping sessions, but we will include tapping. Take this opportunity, learn how you can change your mind and focus on healing.

Why do people keep going to FasterEFT/Eutaptics?

FasterEFT (Eutapics) created by Robert Gene Smith became one of the most popular tapping systems as it efficiently tackling various problems.

I have a personal story enabling me to endorse this system. In the end of 2006 I started to suffer from unexplained dizziness, no amount of tests and doctor visits could establish the reason and recommend a treatment. This is how my journey with alternative therapies like hypnosis, NLP, energy healing has started. Some of the sessions brought temporary relief but the problem did not go away. Almost in desperation I was still seeking anything (there must be something!) to ease my condition as I continued to suffer from dizziness while walking, standing, sitting and even laying in bed.

In January 2010 I found Robert's videos on YouTube. At that time I could not afford a paid help so was just tapping along any video focusing on my issues. By August 2010, I was free from any dizziness which never came back to this day. In January 2012 I completed my Level 3 Practitioner Training and was ready to help others.

I was also privileged to be Robert's client in March 2018 when multiple serious challenges pushed me to the point where I was sure that if there is someone to help me deal with them, that would be Robert only. After our session my anxiety gave way to confidence and problems were resolved quite soon.

This is not just work on a negative emotion (grief, anger, fear, feeling of abandonment, betrayal, loneliness, helplessness, etc.), with the aim of bringing it to a level where it no longer bothers you, but on a memory associated with that negative emotion that makes the memory feel good. Memories are a synthetic product of a person's subjective perception of events based on previous experience. Have you ever attended a party that was then described differently by all its guests? It's all about perception.

The method is based on several postulates arising from the basic presuppositions of NLP: there are no "broken" people; everyone acts in accordance with the past experience that s/he has; by releasing negative emotion and how we view/hear and feel the memory, we change the "filter" through which we look at it; the past negative experience comes back to us as a new experience, that can now be stored as a positive one. Only 5 acupressure points and wrist are involved in tapping process (please see the Chart below). According to ancient Chinese medicine, each of these points refers to a specific organ. The fact is that the brain, which is aware of the threat, gives commands to the body (in total, in the presence of a serious threat, there are about 1400 different changes in the body). This system works so that a person faced with a threat can get ready to run or fight in a split second. However, if the brain perceives experiences as negative for an extended period of time, signals continue to flow, and the body continues to work in an "emergency" mode. This is how we get sick from stress and emotions, this is how we age prematurely, this is how people die of grief.

Interested to learn more? Let's start with the most popular subjects of people's interest:

anxiety and panic attacks

fear of death

grief and loss

weight loss



law of attraction/ Million Dollar process



relationship issues

business problems

fear of flying


how to deal with a conflict

how to make more money

how to respond to verbal attack

Wondering if FasterEFT would be useful for your situation?

Check out testimonials on the subject of your interest

Interested to see almost full session on back pain and relationship with mother? it is here

Ready to learn? There is a free 5 day course of FasterEFT/Eutaptics here

Interested to have a standard FasterEFT/Eutaptics session?

Explore foundation of the process #69 and #118 and send us an email

Before your session with us

Interested to have a standard FasterEFT/Eutaptics session? 2 hours session for $150 only will allow you to make a powerful shift in daily focus and release what is holding you back from your next big step. Before the session you should be prepared, know how to aim, to tap and list the events/thoughts that are bothering you. Standard approach also includes signing an agreement and provide us with a quick intake on your problem so we also come prepared to our session. We protect our clients' privacy and never ask for your personal details. With us you can introduce yourself however you feel comfortable.

At Self-helper we are not doctors or any type of medical practitioners, our goal is to help you to deal with stress and emotions that are accompanied any health challenge. Methods like FasterEFT/Eutaptics are not for someone under psychiatrists care so it is your situation, please consult your doctor requesting their recommendation.

If you would like a stress relief session, explore foundation of the process #69 and #118 below on the right side and send us an email